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A 300,000-year-old fossil raises questions about the existence of a new human species

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A chinless jawbone from eastern China that displays both modern and archaic features could represent a new branch of the human family tree.

  1. Dyani Lewis

A fossilized jawbone discovered in a cave in eastern China bears a curious mix of ancient and modern features, according to a detailed analysis that compares it with dozens of other human specimens. The finding, published in the Journal of Human Evolution, indicates that the 300,000-year-old bone could have belonged to an as-yet undescribed species of archaic human.

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doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-023-02924-8


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Name: Allen Ewing

Birthday: 1975-09-16

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Introduction: My name is Allen Ewing, I am a talented, sincere, apt, ingenious, risk-taking, frank, valuable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.