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Earthquake: EU mobilizes additional aid to Turkey, the Syrian Arab Republic, and support for Syria

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News and Press Release
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Following multiple earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria earlier this week, the European Union will provide additional emergency support to both countries through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism and emergency humanitarian assistance worth €6.5 million.

This is part of one of the EU's largest ever search and rescue operations through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, with over 1,500 rescue workers, 100 search dogs as well as medical teams deployed to affected areas in Türkiye.

Tomorrow Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič plans to visit the affected areas in Türkiye as part of the coordination of the EU response.

Support to Syria

On the morning of 8 February, the Syrian authorities requested to activate the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. The request includes search and rescue teams, shelter and medicine.

  • The EU Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) is in contact with EU Member States and the United Nations to immediately channel possible offers to the people most in need in Syria.

  • In addition, the Commission is also announcing today an initial €3.5 million in emergency humanitarian assistance for Syria to help people in need to access shelter, water and sanitation, health various items they currently need, as well as to support the search and rescue operations.

  • Moreover, in Syria the EU is closely cooperating with our humanitarian partners. We are adjusting our ongoing humanitarian projects to respond to the crisis. Our partners, NGOs and UN agencies, are supporting affected medical facilities with medical kits, providing food and shelter, repairing damaged infrastructure.

Support to Türkiye

In Türkiye, following the request of the country on Monday, 6 February to activate the EU Civil Protection Mechanism:

  • 20 EU Member States and Albania, Montenegro and Serbia have already offered 31 search and rescue teams and 5 medical teams via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. The teams consist in total of over 1,500 rescuers and 100 search and rescue dogs.

  • Additionally, today Türkiye asked for shelter items via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. The request was answered by Germany, Lithuania and Slovenia offering blankets, tents and heaters.

  • The Commission will also make available an initial €3 million in emergency assistance to boost response efforts in the country.


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Author: Jason Woods

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Name: Jason Woods

Birthday: 1973-08-15

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Introduction: My name is Jason Woods, I am a ingenious, variegated, valuable, artistic, Colorful, candid, rare person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.