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You s focuses on cryptocurrency mixers due to potential money laundering issues

The Biden administration designated international cryptocurrency platforms commonly known as “mixers” as primary money-laundering hubs that threaten national security.

The U.S. Treasury Department’s unprecedented proposal—using laws usually deployed against foreign banks and foreign jurisdictions—will require special record-keeping and reporting for any financial transactions involving international mixers. The potential targeting of an entire class of transaction represents a significant regulatory step meant to shape the future of the global financial system. 

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What to Read Next

VIDEO: US Officials Arrest Alleged Operator of Bitcoin Mixing Service for Laundering $336M

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Author: Alicia Wiley

Last Updated: 1702765081

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Name: Alicia Wiley

Birthday: 1909-06-22

Address: 75970 Martin Locks, Port Jeremyfort, IN 64542

Phone: +3505986368117371

Job: Urban Planner

Hobby: Chocolate Making, Playing Guitar, Beer Brewing, Quilting, Video Editing, Metalworking, Calligraphy

Introduction: My name is Alicia Wiley, I am a dazzling, sincere, rich, intrepid, persistent, cherished, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.